Feel free to contact us by filling out our form if you wish to acquire a work for additional information, or simply leave us a telephone number.
Palmyra -
166 bd du Loup,
06220 Vallauris Golfe Juan
Tel : 04 92 38 05 24 / 06 11 91 75 10 -
Email : palmyrac2005@yahoo.fr
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TERMS OF SALE The information you provide on the Website allow Nicole BENOIT making contact, or the processing of your orders. Pursuant to Article 32 of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 amended by Law 2004-801 of 06 August 2004 Information needed to Nicole BENOIT, to process and fulfill orders, are marked with an asterisk on the pages of the Site . We guarantee complete confidentiality and security of information transmitted.
Copyright Nicole Benoit 2009 - all rights reserved- design by GC INTERACTIF Nicole BENOIT - PALMYRA - 166 bd du Loup - 06220 VALLAURIS GOLFE-JUAN
Tel : 04 92 38 05 24 - 06 11 91 75 10 - Email : palmyrac2005@yahoo.fr